How Am I Doing?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

T minus... SATURDAY?!?!?

Oh crap oh crap oh crap.

I really hope I do surprise the shit out of myself. Because honestly, this is more scared than I've ever been before starting any fitness or nutrition regime ever. Really. And I've done a lot of them. Started and quit. All of them. 

But what does that mean? Could it mean that I care more about this one, about this time, than any of the other times? Has it finally "clicked"?

I don't know. I don't know YET. 

I'll find out soon.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

T (Transformation) minus 9 days...

A journey of a thousand miles beings with a single step...

...and damnit, I'm nervous as hell about that step.

I really don't think I... or anyone else around me, for that matter... realize exactly what I've gotten myself into here.

I've seen the workouts on video clips. Once or twice in person. It's intense. No... intense is too weak a word. It's vomit-inducing. And it's going to be at 6:45am for fucks sake! 5 freaking days per week!!! Somebody tell me honestly... how long before I say "Who needs the $500 back? Who cares if I die at 35 of a heart attack because I weigh too damn much??? FUCK IT ALL AND LET ME SLEEP!"

God I hope that isn't me.

I think the nutrition part is what scares me the most.

It's no secret that I like food. Not just like. I have a freakin love affair with food. Give me some cheese and chocolate and red meat on a desert island and come back in 5 years and I'll still be a happy girl.

I can't eat cheese or chocolate or red meat on this thing.

But the results... oh damn the results.

I don't want my stupid CPAP anymore. I don't want my feet and my back and my legs to hurt after a day at work. I don't want to get winded walking up stairs. I want to fit into clothes that cost a fortune because they are from a designer, not because they are specially made for fat people. I don't want to die at 35 of a heart attack or stroke or cancer or something equally as bad. I WANT TO BE A MOMMY.

6:45am vomit-inducing workouts it is.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Well, this used to be a weight-loss blog, but I've stopped losing weight, so now it's just a blog! Hahaha.

I'm so happy about joining Gold Canyon. You have no idea. Everything about it is just so perfect for me. It's getting the retail bug out that I've had since I left Teavana, while not adhering to anyone else's schedule, and having FUN!

I'm so excited for my mixer.

I'm so excited for M's mixer.

I'm so excited for all the mixers to come!

Plus, the candles smell amazing.

Extra plus, the home decor items look amazing.

What else is going on in my life...

I'm still planning on climbing the mountain in August! We even picked one out! Cascade Mountain, here I come!!!

August is going to be crazy for me.

Camp Centerland... Gold Canyon Palooza in Phoenix August 7-9 but I'll probably leave on the 6th and end up getting back on the 10th... Adirondacks August 14-17ish... And Jonah and David's wedding in DC the very last weekend of August!!! WOW!!!

Wish I had more to tell you. Working with the 4-year-olds is always an adventure... they're fun and I love them but I'm glad to have a second job that is focused on adults :-)

Well that's it! That's life according to Anna!

Oh! And by the way...

Click on SHOP under "My Mixers"...

And that's all she wrote.

Friday, February 7, 2014

It's Officially Official!

Well everyone, as of a few hours ago, it's officially official! I am now a Fragrance Consultant for Gold Canyon! I am so excited to be starting this new venture, and would love to have you all along for the ride!

I fell in love with Gold Canyon candles the first time I smelled one burning. They are truly the best candles I have ever burned (or looked at!) But it doesn't stop at candles... they are so much more than candles! You have to see it (the catalog!) to believe it.

My first party is Saturday March 8th, 2-5, at my house. It'll be so much fun, with friends, food, raffles, prizes, and surprises!

Need more details, or still need to RSVP? Contact me or find the Facebook event!

Don't live close enough, or can't make it to the party, but still want to order? Contact me and I can send you a catalog, or you can even order online through my party's webpage! The link to my own Gold Canyon webpage is at the bottom of this post. Make sure you order through the "My Parties" and "Shop" button next to the "3/8/2014 Anna Steinberg" party in the middle of the top of the webpage... confused? Let me know and I'd be glad to help!

Want to book your own Gold Canyon party? I can help with that too! Just let me know and we can set a date and time that's perfect for you :-)

The webpage for Shadows To Light is

I'm so happy to finally be a part of Gold Canyon, and I hope you end up loving them as much as I do.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Promise!

I am making a promise to myself.

I have put it off long enough.

This summer, for the first time, I will be going with my family to the Adirondacks.

This summer, for the first time, I will be climbing a mountain.

By then, I will be in good enough shape.

By then, I will have enough energy.

It may not be a big mountain.

Hell, it may not even be a medium sized mountain.

It might just be a tiny mountain.


And that's all that matters.

AuSable Forks... HERE I COME!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Things are looking... good?


Well, I attempted the Dr. Oz 2-day cleanse this past weekend.

I didn't make it all 2 days.

When you start shaking and get light-headed and nauseous... you need to eat real food.

Oh well... Now I know that those types of cleanses are not for me!

In other news, I started my personal training at Achieve today and it was FANTASTIC! My trainer's name is Kristen and she is wonderful. How do I know she is wonderful? Well, this was the first first training session I've had in a while where I haven't puked afterwards! (Or during. THAT was just embarrassing).

What's great is that she is actually teaching me how to do the things CORRECTLY, unlike some other places where I've been where they just want you to do the workouts and don't really care.

I'm very excited to go back next Monday, and until then I'm planning on working out at the JCC a few times.

Also in other news... I have officially decided to work at camp again this summer! Being outside was really good for me last summer, so I'm excited to get back out there this summer.

So, all in all, things are looking good. Let's keep it up people!